WHMS to install temperature screening kiosks at entrances
ATKINSON, NE — West Holt Medical Services (WHMS) plans to install five temperature screening kiosks on its campus as part of its ongoing commitment to protect patients, visitors, and employees from the COVID-19 virus.
The temperature screening kiosks will act as a first line of defense in detecting a fever, a common symptom of COVID-19.
Through a medical grade thermal infrared sensor, the kiosk automatically scans body temperature in less than three seconds. Individuals simply stand within three feet of the screen and the temperature will be displayed on the screen. The kiosk will display green for a normal temperature or red for a temperature above 99.5 °F (equivalent of 100.4°F taken orally).
For the past four months, WHMS has used in-person screeners to perform temperature checks at the main entrance. The new kiosks will take the place of screeners and be located at each point of entry on the WHMS campus.
“The goal of this technology is to provide the safest possible care and environment for our patients, visitors and employees,” shared Jeremy Bauer, chief financial officer and interim CEO at West Holt Medical Services.
The absence of a fever does not mean a person is free of COVID-19. Individuals can be asymptomatic or not yet showing symptoms of COVID-19. That’s why WHMS will continue to practice other safeguards by screening patients by phone and during the check-in process, wearing face masks, practicing social distancing and good hand hygiene.
For more information on how WHMS is responding to the COVID-19 virus, CLICK HERE