Upcoming Scholarship Deadlines at WHMS
The spring deadline for the West Holt Medical Services Foundation Scholarship and the deadline for the West Holt Memorial Health Care Scholarship are both approaching.
The WHMS Foundation Scholarship applications are due April 15th, while the Hospital Healthcare Scholarship applications are due the 2nd Friday in April, which this year is April 9th.
In 1988 West Holt Medical Services Foundation awarded its first five scholarships. The Foundation continues to offer scholarships to assist individuals of any age in North Central Nebraska that is interested in pursuing a degree or certificate in a medical field. Individuals who have already received a scholarship from the Foundation are invited to apply again.
Primary consideration will be given to individuals that have expressed interest in obtaining employment in their chosen medical field at West Holt Medical Services.
To be eligible for the West Holt Memorial Hospital Scholarship, students must be a graduating senior from either West Holt Public Schools or Stuart Public Schools that will be attending post-secondary education in a healthcare related field. Two scholarships will be awarded, one $500 award to a Stuart Public Schools student and one $500 award to a West Holt Public Schools student.
Visit www.westholtmed.org/scholarships to apply. Please call 402-925-1956 if you have any questions regarding any scholarships at WHMS.