Alvarez joins WHMS Foundation Board as Junior Member

Monday, June 21, 2021

The West Holt Medical Services Foundation (WHMSF) strives to support both West Holt Medical Services and the surrounding communities, and fostering volunteerism is a large part of that. To further that development, the WHMSF has added a Junior Member to their board of directors. The inaugural Jr. Board Member is Ana Alvarez of Atkinson.

Alvarez will be entering her senior year at West Holt High School this fall, and plans to pursue a Med-Lab degree and work as a medical laboratory scientist in the future.

“I hope to gain knowledge, confidence, and experience in a professional setting,” said Alvarez. “I am already a part of the Sturdevant- McKee Museum Foundation Board, and that has been a wonderful experience.”

Alvarez has begun working with the Foundation this month and will be involved with most foundation events throughout the school year.

The Junior Board member program is open to Students from Stuart and Atkinson entering their junior or senior year of high school. If you or someone you know is interested in joining the board as a Junior member, email